Czech and Slovak languages ??are closely mutual and mutually clear languages ??zachodnioslowianskimi . The value is a matter apparently sociolinguistic - much more varied dialects of German (cf. lingua franca Unseemly German ) or two Norwegian standards (mark Norwegian dialects ) are the at one's desire of the users considered variants of the same language.
Always greater prestige and coverage was Czech . References in the developed since the thirteenth century , while the Slovak indubitably as a replacement for centuries was the at best troupe summon clan . Literary interaction of Slovaks was called . slowacyzowana czeszczyzna - Czech Slovak enriched with lexical and grammatical elements . That it was written portion of the Regulations of Žilina , Slovak propaganda oldest memorial (1451 ) . In the cycle of the Slovak civil revival appeared two concepts - the adoption of the Czech patois as a literary or creating a thrill on the principle of a separate Slovak standard. After all won the twinkling option ; in 1846 Ludovít Štúr published works Nárecja slovenskuo alebo potreba písanja v tomto nárecí and Proficiency rECI the Slovak , Slovak codifying speech . Yet beyond the circles of the Slovak nationalists its distinctiveness was not thoroughly recognized - in the Austro -Hungarian censuses figured into Czech - Moravian -Slovak (German Böhmisch - Mährisch - slowakisch ), and the Diary bohemistycznym " Naše REC" sober-sided in the move decade of the twentieth century has been written with Slovak as the eastern department of our [ Czech ] language. In the interwar Czechoslovakia, the Czech and Slovak considered two variants of united argot literary Czechoslovak ; This theory came from the idea czechoslowakizmu and was abandoned after People War II .
The close relationship of both languages ??and the lives of their users for 70 years in at one countryside led to widespread bilingualism. When talking with Slovak Czech , everyone uses their dialect and conscious of each other without any problems . Seldom practiced Czech-Slovak translations . Czech law allows the squander of the Slovak interaction without an interpreter in offices and courts , Slovak documents are accepted in the Czech Republic in the original , etc. - Slovak is therefore de facto authentic eminence equal rights with the Czech Republic. At any rate, the younger generation , brought up after the split of Czechoslovakia , and not having repeated contact with him , is of growing problems with its understanding. Compatibility between the Czech and Slovak depends on dialects and is estimated at 70-95 % and has been steadily declining , proper to the fact that Czechs are not interested in scholarship the Slovak language .
Unlike the situation in Slovakia. Are a great extent within reach there czeskojezyczne books, profuse transalpine films are issued with the Czech dubbing or subtitles ( authors delineate that it does not pay to create Slovak , since everyone understands Czech ) , and many computer games suffer with simply Czech soundtrack and menus. Spread , especially among the younger times , bohemizmy and tracing intercourse . In the Slovak issue of Wikipedia created a index of the types of errors that occur when translating articles , more developed , the Czech number . Czech communication is Slovak , like the Slovak in the Czech Republic , the repute of de facto congruous rights with the certified .
In addition, the Slovak cant is called " Slavic Esperanto " because it is pretty spectacularly agreed by way of other Slavs - read moore:
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